Sunday, January 25, 2009

Back To Life, Back To Reality.

One week over, eleven more to go!

My first week back, and it was quite a successful one. First major thing is that I have around ten hours less than I did last semester. I cannot explain how much of a relief that is, as now I can actually hang out with people rather than being stuck in labs until six in the evening.

I still have no internet in my house in Dublin. Well technically I do, but we won't talk about that. Wink wink, nudge nudge and all that. So for this reason, for the forseeable future all of my posts will be at the weekend, or if I can 'borrrow' internet for long enough, there may be the occasional post.

Also I bought my first adult mode of transport, a scooter.

Yes, those are flashing lights along the side of it, and no I will not give you a ride on it. This bad boy cuts a whole FIVE minutes off my journey from my house to Baggot St. I'm still getting the hang of going fast on it because I was not fortunate enough to own one as a child. So to make up for not being a child with a scooter, I'm being an 18 year old acting as 'a child with a scooter'! And my God is it fun! Apologies if I almost hit anyone on the footpaths of Dublin over the last week, I have no way of alerting people that I want to pass by, being too shy to shout or raise my voice! (Yet,somehow, not shy enough to zip about town at night on a flashing red scooter) Unfortunately I seem to have a penchant for crashing, only when others are around. It was in one of these crashes(while scooting down a corridor) that I crashed I broke the flashing LEDs. /sigh

Myself and my housemates were crippled with an electricity bill of over €500, but hopefully that's all been sorted. Talk about criminal! But let us not get onto the topic of criminals and our house...

Not a whole pile else happened over the week. I did go see The Wrestler, but I'll deal with that separately. My sleep patterns aren't (as) screwed up anymore, and I've been sleeping a lot better, which is nice. For me at least!

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