Thursday, December 24, 2009

Interview with George Michael.

I recently had the privilege of interviewing George Michael. As it is Christmas I decided to ask George about the class "Last Christmas"

Me: So George, is there any deeper meaning to the song or is it just a song of love and heartbreak?

George: Actually Dave, sorry, is it okay if I call you Dave?

Me: Well I'd really rather you didn't...

George: Well Dave, "Last Christmas" is really about an unfortunate accident that lead to a man dying and his family donating his heart to a girl on Christmas Day. However, her body rejects the heart and she too passes away and the heart is then donated to another person. The entire ordeal is narrated by the spirit of the heart's original owner.

Me: I see, I see. What about the more romantic lines such as "I wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I Love You" I meant it."?

George: True story actually, Andrew (Ridgeley) once sent a sheep's heart with a love letter to a girl he saw on the bus once.

Me: Wow! Was it over things like this that lead to leaving Wham?

George: Sort of. As I've stated before, I wanted to make music for a more adult, sophisticated audience and Andrew wanted to continue targeting teenagers, both musically and sexually.

Me: I think we shall leave it there. Thank you very much for your time sir!

George: Don't mention it Dave!

George Michael: May or may not have participated in this interview.

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