Tuesday, December 8, 2009

David "Nationwide (for a minute)" Reilly Vs. Megan "The Most Hated Family in America" Phelps-Roper

Recently the wonderful Mr. Kevin Smith was poking fun at Megan Phelps-Roper over Twitter so I went on to her Twitter page to see her responses. I noticed something that annoyed me a bit so I replied to her questioning it. The following are the screen grabs of our back and forth.

First however, I'll just explain who this girl is, she is the granddaughter of the head of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, Fred Phelps. The Phelps family were featured on Louis Theroux's television show "The Most Hated Family in America" and are known for they're condemnation of homosexuality, Judaism, Catholicism, USA, Ireland and Sweden as well as picketing military funerals. Most Calvinists and Baptist regard Phelps's church as a cult.

I must note that it is not the aim of my comments to Megan Phelps-Roper to call into question the Protestant faith but to object to her ignorance and narrow-mindedness. I myself am a Catholic, a church with a ridiculous amounts of problems I know, but above all else I believe that people should treat others with love and respect and it is this belief that lead to me to objecting Phelps-Ropers statements.

Finally, I MAY have gone a tad overboard with my last comment, so I do apologise if it causes any offence to readers, that is never my intention.

I should note that it was here she stopped replying to me, but she did continue to reply to others. She then tweeted the following;

To which I suggested;
Perhaps a little much but she truly is a vile, hateful person. I'd like to say a thanks to anyone supported me on twitter.

So that's my little rant over! It'll be back to the lighthearted stuff from here on out!

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