Monday, January 5, 2009

Film Review: Attack Girls Swim Team Vs. The Unliving Dead

Where to begin eh?

Well it's a Japanese zombie movie set in a large girls school, (the school is large, not a school for larger girls), which appears to have around ten students and three teachers. As the title suggests the film involves the school swim team and newcomer to the school, Aki. When the students and teachers are injected with what they think is an vaccine shot, they turn into slightly-more-intelligent-than-run-of-the-mill zombies.
It is then up to Aki and her team mates to rid the school of the zombies. Oh yeah, one more thing, there is a LOT of schoolgirl boobage! A lot! Now to that add some weird hypno-sex and lesbian sex scene and you've got yourself one of the best 'so bad it's awesome' horror films, in my opinion. This is a real WTFlipFlop?? movie, that just gets more ridiculous with every minute, with the climax to the final battle leaving me in a state of stunned silence. So if you like cheesy zombie flicks, an unhealthy use of fake blood, bad prosthetics and have a fetish for Asian schoolgirls, well my friend, this is the movie for you!

Score = WonderfullyTerribleInTheMostAmazingWay / 10

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