Friday, October 16, 2009

Eh, I'd rather not thanks!

So, I just saw this ad on Wrestlezone and was very, VERY disturbed by it.

Everyone has seen a 6 pack or in some cases and 8 pack (see: John Morrison) but who among us has previously seen the above. To me it looks as if he is about half a second from having a baby alien burst from his stomach.
It may just be me but I'd rather stay scrawny and weak than have a body that looked as if some one had vacuum packed me with left over bits of a pork.

Also what is with those two veins coming from from his crotch? Don't act like you've not noticed them.

Despite the ad saying not to waste money on protein powders or creatine, the side the ad links to sells (not free! The Internet lying? Whodathunkit!) some fat burning crap that I wasn't too bothered reading about.

Finally, how smug does that fucker look!? "Ooohh look at me! Look at my freakish abs and veins! I am the hawttest guy around! Sure I can no longer maintain an erection. But hell, with my downward pointing nipples and ring-pull belly button, I'm the happiest man around, way happier than you normal guys with your normal bodies and your veins that just pump blood, not liquid suppressed shame like mine!'

And now for...


"I got ripped in four weeks!"
"More like ripped OFF!"
/snare rimshot
/muffled cough


  1. Answer: photoshop. I keep getting teeth whitening and weightloss ads...

  2. 'Why would you want a 6-pack when you can have a keg? More fun and makes sure everyone has a good time!

  3. I had a wrestling magazine when I was younger that had a picture of a guy with a 4 pack. /shudders
