Saturday, July 4, 2009

Diary of a (War)crack Addict. #1

I used to make fun of my friend Eamon for playing the MMORPG World of Warcraft. However due to my status as an unemployed and unpaid comedian I started to become a little interested in WoW. One day I received an email from Eamon containing a '10-day free trial'. I decided to download the trial but when I went to play it I misread something a thought the trial didn't work. Seeing this as a sign I concluded that I wouldn't try it again.
How wrong I was.

After my friend Jane tweeted asking for people to play WoW with her I decided I'd give it another go, this time at least I'd have someone to help me start it off so I'd know what to do. So I set about creating a character named Daithí. He is a Tauren Druid, as I'm sure you could all tell from the picture below.

Awesome, no?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I've pretty much been hooked since!

I originally planned on not buying the game after my trial expired.
But like most thing I decide not to buy, I bought it. But I didn't just buy the game, I bought the World of Warcraft Battle Chest which contains the game, and expansion pack and two guides, all for the humble price of €18.

So, the aim of my 'Diary of a (War)crack Addict' posts will not be to document how I'm doing and needless boring any readers, but will rather to document the effect WoW may possible take on different aspects of my life, be it social, health, mental or what have you. And of course, if I encounter any proper nerdy losers (pot/kettle anyone?) while playing I will be sure to mention* them here.

*read = make jokes at their expense

Be sure to read part two of Diary of a (War)crack Addict here!


  1. Oh David.. How could you... I tried the 10 day trial, and got bored after about 3 hours. Repetitive grind is something i don't enjoy. ha enjoy!

  2. I better see you on moonglade!...

    *shakes fist*

    Tis Jordan here...:P
