Saturday, March 21, 2009

Movie List update!

Firstly, apologies for the inconsistency of posts. I've been really busy with my comedy. On which, thanks to anyone who showed up for any of my gigs! :)

Anyhoo, quick update on my movie challenge. For those who didn't see my original post on the the topic click here.

So in the last month and a bit I've seen:
  • Rambo: First Blood
  • First Blood Part 2
  • Rambo 3
  • Rocky
  • Rocky 2
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
  • Trainspotting
  • Dawn of The Dead (2005)
  • Independence Day (well enough of it to know not to trust mid-1990's Macs)
  • I get the feeling I'm missing some.

I'm quite happy, as that works out at about one movie a week. That average may drop in the coming weeks with study and what not, but once May hits, it'll be 3 a week hopefully.

I've also seen Watchmen (twice as of this posting) and Benjamin Button. Watchmen, I will review soon, just waiting for more people to see it so I can spoil it for as little people as possible. Regardless, it is the best film I've ever seen, and if you haven't read the comic, and you can, READ IT FIRST. It is the greatest comic ever written!


  1. 3 a week is for quitters, last year I averaged 5 a week, minimum!

  2. I don't want to spend every night watching films though.
    But I'll use my insomnia to it's fullest.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Have you seen Crossing Bridges , My brother got its paid movie download from somewhere and now he has invited me to watch it with him, whats your say ?
