Sunday, June 28, 2009

Screw Iran, THIS is conflict.

In recent weeks most of the news media has been primarily concerned with the controversial re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the subsequent street protests, violence and deaths. Due to restricted foreign media within Iran, sites such as YouTube and Twitter are proving to be alternative, unbiased news sources.
However, without taking from the problems in Iran, there is an issue much closer to home that I feel needs as much, if not more press coverage.

'Shit-your-pants terrifying' - One local politician's take on the situation.

Yes that is right folks. The seemingly ongoing row over turf cutting rights has indeed heated up again. Who this row is between is unknown to me. I did try and research the story, but unfortunately the article was too boring to comprehend, I will wait for the inevitable big budget Hollywood adaptation, hopefully directed by Micheal Bay or Oliver Stone.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Birthday Vlog.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Narcissism or Self-Deprecation.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I think I'll stop making films for a while, they seem to be rapidly getting worse.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ooh, All The Juicy Bits Left In!

This is my latest short, that YouTube felt the need to disable the audio on, so i'll host it here too.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Winter In Reno

I don't feel I could explain anything that the title doesn't already.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Not the Bee all and end all...

Moments ago, ladies and gentleman, I went through somewhat of an ordeal. I was going about my business in the bathroom, as one does, when a bee flew in the window. Now, not wanting to get stung while, well you know, so I didn't make any sudden movements. When I was ready (hands washed), I prepared to do battle. I took a towel an twisted it into the form known as a 'rat tail' and faced my striped foe.
Not wanting to spend much time with it, I waited until the bee came to a stop on the window. I twirled the towel some more and flick my wrist, hoping to deal a killer blow. A killer blow was indeed struck, but alas, it was a death knell to mum's vase that sat on the window sill. As the vase crashed of the cistern and to the floor, the potted plant in was home to flew through the air, landing at my feet.
I looked at the destruction I had caused, then stared intently at the bee as it mocked me. Not wanting to have broken the vase in vain, I twirled the towel again and flicked me wrist. Bulls eye. This first strike did not kill my adversary, only riling it more. I continued my attack, assuming a fencing style of striking and bouncing backwards on the balls of my feet.

After what I had thought was the final strike I left to get my phone to document the chaos. When I returned I poked the dead bee with the corner of the towel. Before I made contact though, my fallen foe lifted a leg/arm as if to say 'No more sir. Let me go honourably, alone with just my thoughts to sooth me'.
It was at this moment I felt a pang of remorse and empathy. What had I done? Had this bee just gone on a early afternoon flight, perhaps to look for work or a new home for his family who had grown weary of hive life and wanted a more relaxed pace of life? As these thoughts buzzed around my head, I slowly cleaned up and left my respected foe to feel the sweet embrace of death as he thought of his loved ones.

Bumble B. Buzzington
May he rest in peace.

Om Nom Nom!!

Insomnia + Paper I Found While Tidying + Half A Bag Of Gummy Snakes I Felt Too Sick To Eat =

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Phish Guts Shake.

Third milkshake in three days. I'm quite impressed at myself:)


- Milk
- Vanilla ice cream
- Ben & Jerry's Phish Phood
- Cadbury's Turkish Delight

-Claire Richards

Add 500ml of milk to the blender.
Then add 6-8 squares of Turkish Delight.
Blend for about 30 seconds to break the chocolate up well enough.

-Faye Tozer

Now add three scoops of vanilla ice cream and two scoops of Phish Phood.

-Lisa Scott-Lee

Test it.
It may need to be blended a bit for to get that milkshake constituency. If so...

-Lee Latchford-Evans

I managed to get two servings out of the measurements I used.
Top with two slivers of Ben & Jerry's and one sliver of vanilla, and sprinkle with some Flake.
The name comes from the little bits of red turkish floating about and the dismember chocolate phish from the B&J.

-Ian 'H' Watkins

A bit like yesterday's shake, the chocolate tends to get into the little crevices of the the blender so you may have to disassemble it to fully clean it. Just watch out H almost lost a finger on the blender blades. Twat.

Note: I originally thought this recipe would be suitable for vegetarians, but after some research, Cadbury's Turkish Delight appears to be veggie friendly.

Thanks muchly!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Uncle Raspberry's Riproaring Good Time and Chocolate Chip Experience !

I continued my productive ways and decided to make to have another crack at making a milkshake.

-Raspberry Ripple ice cream
-Chocolate chip cookies

Despite not being a fan of measurements or specifics I did note them in case anyone wanted them


-Claire Richards

Add 500ml of milk to the blender.
Then add 5 cookies, breaking them once or twice before putting them in.

Yummy, eh?

-Faye Tozer

Now add two large slices or three scoops of raspberry ice cream.
Blend for about 30 seconds to fully homogenise the mixture.

-Lisa Scott-Lee

Test it.
If it's too runny, add another scoop/slice of ice cream.

-Lee Latchford-Evans

By now it should be finished.
Serve in a large glass and top with a little bit of ice cream and some crumbled cookies.

Cookies yet to be added; Latchford-Evans slacking.

-Ian 'H' Watkins

There's a bit more effort invloved in cleaning the blender due to renegade lumps of cookie and ice cream. Buy it's cool, because that's what H is for.

Thanks for reading! :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Coffee Milkshake!

For those who hate coffee, stop gagging. It's nice!

-Vanilla Ice Cream
-Coffee (granulated)
Not pictured: a cup of hope.

Don't ask me for measurements because I just threw what I felt was the right amount into my smoothie maker.


-Claire Richards

Place a good bit of milk in the blending device.
Add two or three spoons of coffee depending on preference.
Blend for a few seconds until the coffee is dissolved and the milk has turned a healthy brown colour

-Faye Tozer

Add 3 scoops of vanilla ice cream and one spoon of sugar.

And blend!

Thumbs up indeed!

-Lisa Scott-Lee

At this stage I did a test. It was a bit runny. So...
For some reason I felt the need to add more coffee and sugar. Absolutely no need as it tasted fine.
Then blend!
It was a bit thick this time, so I added a drop of milk and then blend for 4-5 seconds.

-Lee Latchford-Evans

Serve in a large Oxegen cup.
Sprinkle some Flake on the top of it.
And there you have it. Done. Finito. QED.

-Ian 'H' Watkins

Yeah, well I was never a huge H fan so lets leave him with the cleaning up. :)

Thanks for reading, folks!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Kilkenny Fringe Festval blog post...

...will be up in a day or two when I get my hands on some more photos.