Monday, March 30, 2009

The Late Late Show and me.

Pat Kenny has announced his retirement.
It came as a shock to pretty much everyone, I think at least. After thinking about it for a few minutes, I realised that as a nation we lack a certain quality of chat show host.
I feel that as a result of our sub-par standard of broadcaster, that I am as fit for the job as anyone. So I did what I thought was necessary to get the job. Yes, that's right, I started a petition.

A link to my petition!

The above is the link to said petition.
I feel that it is time RTÉ acknowledge that young people watch television too. Shocking facts, I know! Hopefully this news hasn't rattled your core beliefs in all that is right.

If instated I will introduce a more Letterman style of show. I know that Tubridy chap tries, but that is all he does, tries.
I will grill topical guests in a dry and witty manner (hopefully).
I will have the latest and greatest bands perform weekly, and as can be seen earlier in this sentence I have substantial rhyming skills for any rap battles that may break out.

I have experience in journalism, writing for the UCD Observer on 3, yes three occasions, before being unceremoniously ignored by them. (All due to the fact the the singer from The Enemy is an unresponsive douche) Furthermore I have experience in comedy, which I think is a vital skill in hosting a chat show.
I can appeal to the youth of today, being 18 years of age. I can also reach out to the elderly viewers, having once fallen in the shower.

What I am asking of you is not going to increase taxes, reintroduce fees or touch up your nephew after Mass, no ladies and gentleman I simply want to provide light entertainment that not only tends to topical issues, but also provides a giggle.

I urge you, as a friend, as a fellow TV viewer and as a member of this supposed free country, to sign my petition and together we can make a difference!

Will change RTÉ for the best?

Well as Gordon Brown said while quoting Barrack Obama,


Also, there 100% will be one for everyone in the audience!

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